2012-2013 Journey Begins...
2014 ER, ER...
2015 Heart Dilemma..
2016 Make Some Changes...
2017 Chasing Cancer...
My Chemotheropy Time Line
I finished 2017 up still on Taxol, Herceptin, and Zometa. In spring of 2018 my test results showed uptake in many areas and I had a removal of what is called a fibroid in the uterus and a D&C which tests came back Cancer positive.
I basically topped out on the my current chemo. It’s time to try something new.
So we tried a chemo Kadcyla® - (ado-trastuzumab emtansine) once every three weeks. The side effects were similar but I found that my body cramping increased and hydration was a full time job. One nice effect my hair is growing back thicker then the past year.
I finished the summer on Zometa and the Kadcyla. Intentions were to continue but following my PET scan at the end of summer things didn’t look good. I honestly didn’t feel as though it was working and its really to bad because I like having a bit more hair.
September 5th 2018 We went back to Herceptin and added two new chemo’s Perjeta® and Halaven®. and I will also continue with Zometa. Side effects can be challenging but I will continue to follow my blood work and do what I can to ease or eliminate my new side effect.
I have many friends that have passed. And many friends that tell me of their firends that have passed. It's all very daunting and I’m very thankful I’m still here. I hope to put an end to this craziness in a good way.